a conversation

a conversation

Two non-scholars walking through the Apocalypse of John verse by verse.

1. Revelation 1:1-3

The book of Revelation begins by telling us who is revealed – Jesus Christ

Flower Flower

episode #1

episode #2


John writes Revelation to seven churches in Asia Minor and emphasizes that God is the Almighty One. 

Flower Flower

3. REVELATION 1:9-20

John presents his first vision of Jesus Christ.

Flower Flower

episode #3

episode #4

4. REVELATION 2:1-29

John’s letter to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira.

Flower Flower

5. REVELATION 3:1-22

John’s letter to Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.

Flower Flower

episode #5

episode #6

6. Revelation 4:1-11

John’s vision of heaven and the throne of God.

Flower Flower

7. Revelation 5:1-14